
class LiveEvent

A class that provides methods for a host and participants to stream and receive media during a live event.




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fun addListener(identifier: String, listener: LiveEventListener)

Adds a listener to receive events about a liveEvent.

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fun addVideoFrameListener(listener: VideoFrameListener)

Adds videoFrameListener to receive events about video frames from the Live SDK.

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fun createRTMPStream(handler: RTMPStreamHandler?)

Creates a new RTMP stream. This creates a new RTMP endpoint that you can use as an input for media stream for the live event. A host will be created with the stream type of RTMP and entered to the live event as the host.

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fun deleteAllCustomItems(handler: CustomItemsHandler?)

Deletes all custom items in a live event.

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fun deleteCustomItems(customItemKeys: List<String>, handler: CustomItemsHandler?)

Deletes custom items in a live event by specifying keys.

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fun deleteRTMPStream(rtmpStreamId: String, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Deletes the existing RTMP stream. This will exit the existing host with the RTMP stream type.

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fun endEvent(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Ends a live event. Only the host can perform this action. Calling this method implicitly calls endStreaming.

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fun endStreaming(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Ends media streaming of a host in the live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun enqueueExternalVideoFrame(frame: VideoFrame)

Sends the modified video frames from the external video source to the queue. Set to call this method as frequently as needed to stream seamlessly.

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fun enter(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Enters a live event.

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fun enterAsHost(options: MediaOptions, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Enters a live event as a host. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun exit(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Exits a live event.

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fun exitAsHost(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Exits a live event as a host.

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fun fetchCustomItems(handler: CustomItemsHandler?)

Retrieves the latest custom items of a live event.

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fun fetchOpenChannel()

Fetches the associated open channel from Sendbird Chat

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fun getAllReactionCounts(handler: ReactionCountHandler?)

Returns all reaction counts sent during a live event.

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fun increaseReactionCount(key: String, handler: ReactionCountHandler?)

Increase a reaction to the ongoing live event by specifying its key.

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fun muteAudioInput(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Mutes the audio of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun pauseStreaming()

Pauses audio and video stream during a live event. Use instead of endStreaming() to pause without ending host's media stream. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun removeListener(identifier: String)

Removes a listener to stop receiving events about a room.

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fun resumeStreaming()

Resumes audio and video stream after pausing. Use instead of startStreaming() to resume host's media stream without re-establishing the connection to the server. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun selectAudioDevice(device: AudioDevice, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Selects a device for audio input and output for a live event.

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fun selectVideoDevice(device: VideoDevice, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Selects a device for video output during a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun setConnectionQualityListener(listener: ConnectionQualityListener)

Sets the listener for connection quality and its monitoring modes.

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fun setEventReady(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Sets a live event ready before starting a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun setVideoViewForLiveEvent(view: SendbirdVideoView, hostId: String)

Sets a video view for a live event by showing video stream from the host.

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fun startEvent(options: MediaOptions? = null, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Starts the live event. Only the host can perform this action. Calling this method implicitly calls startStreaming.

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fun startStreaming(options: MediaOptions? = null, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Starts media streaming of a host in the live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun startUsingExternalVideo()

Starts streaming using an external video source instead of the default camera on a mobile device. When you call this function, you must call enqueueExternalVideoFrame() as frequently as needed to stream the external frames seamlessly.

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fun startVideo(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Turns on the video of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun stopUsingExternalVideo()

Stops streaming using an external video source and returns to the default camera on a mobile to stream. When you call this function, all calls to enqueueExternalVideoFrame() will be ignored. You can set another camera to stream by specifying the device on selectVideoDevice().

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fun stopVideo(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Turns off the video of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun switchCamera(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Switches between the front and back cameras during a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun unmuteAudioInput(handler: CompletionHandler?)

Unmutes the audio of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun updateCustomItems(customItems: Map<String, String>, handler: CustomItemsHandler?)

Updates custom items in a live event.

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fun updateLiveEventInfo(params: LiveEventUpdateParams, handler: LiveEventHandler?)

Updates live event information. Only the host can perform this action.

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fun updateVideoQualityConstraints(videoQualityConstraints: VideoQualityConstraints, handler: CompletionHandler?)

Update video quality constraints to match given resolution, FPS, and quality degradation preferences.


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val availableAudioDevices: Set<AudioDevice>

The available audio device of the current host in a live event.

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val availableVideoDevices: List<VideoDevice>

The available video device of the current host in a live event.

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var coverUrl: String?

The URL of the thumbnail image used for a live event.

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var createdAt: Long

The timestamp of when the live event was created, in milliseconds.

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var createdBy: String

User ID of the user that created the live event.

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var cumulativeParticipantCount: Int

The sum of all participants that entered and exited a live event.

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val currentAudioDevice: AudioDevice?

The current audio device of the current host in a live event.

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var currentLiveEventUser: LiveEventUser? = null
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val currentVideoDevice: VideoDevice?

The current video device of the current host in a live event.

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val customItems: Map<String, String>

A unique key-value pair of information stored in a live event.

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val duration: Long

The period from the time when the live event was created to the time the live event was ended.

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var endedAt: Long?

The timestamp of when the live event was ended, in milliseconds.

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var endedBy: String?

User ID of the user that ended the live event.

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val hosts: List<Host>

Hosts of the live event.

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val isActiveHost: Boolean
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var isHostStreaming: Boolean

Indicates whether the host is streaming media.

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var liveEventId: String

Unique identifier for the live event.

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val myRole: LiveEventRole

The role of the user in a live event.

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var openChannel: OpenChannel? = null

An open channel that is used for the live event.

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var participantCount: Int

The number of participants in a live event which is counted by the number of devices and browsers concurrently connected to Sendbird server.

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var peakParticipantCount: Int

The highest number of participantCount measured at a given time during a live event.

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var setReadyAt: Long?

The timestamp of when the live event was set ready, in milliseconds.

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var setReadyBy: String?

User ID of the user that set the live event ready.

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var startedAt: Long?

The timestamp of when the live event was started, in milliseconds.

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var startedBy: String?

User ID of the user that started the live event.

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var state: LiveEventState

The state of a live event. Valid values are created, ready, ongoing, and ended.

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var title: String?

The name of a live event.

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var type: LiveEventType

Type of the live event.

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var userIdsForHost: List<String>